Privacy Policy

We're not interested in collecing your personal information and Praisenter itself doesn't collect anything. However, we do employ some services where data may be collected that helps with troubleshooting issues or with analyzing the usage of Praisenter. The information collected is limited, but may include location information (like country or state), system specs (like screen size, CPU, GPU, etc), language, operating system, and so on.

By using Praisenter and/or visiting this website, you consent to the collection of this data.

What services may collect data?

  • This website uses Google Analytics to track usage of the website itself. The information is aggregate in nature, consisting of metrics like browser, operating system, country/region, screen size, and so on.
  • If Praisenter is installed through an App Store (like the Microsoft Store, for example), these services collect similar aggregate usage statistics. In addition, these services may track crash reports for better troubleshooting.

What is the data used for?

  • Helping a user troubleshoot an crash or other problem with Praisenter on their system
  • Tracking the overall usage/popularity of Praisenter

If you have any questions about how this information is tracked, retained, or used, please reach out in the discussions.